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Creative Casey's Blog

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Creative Terrariums

So anyone who knows me knows that I would rather by handmade gifts from crafters like myself to support unique quality handmade goods. It's the same for where I choose to go out to eat (small locally own restaurants, coffee shops, etc...). Again I find them more unique, a better creative atmosphere and much better food than chain places (yes even better than Starbuck's).

The Brainery hosts 20 handmade venders in their space the 2nd Saturday of each month. It's called The Brainery Bazaar I believe.  I decided to stop by and check it out today.  There was a lot of craft ideas and arts and crafts.  For some reason today I was drawn to the booth on terrariums.  I think because I was in a fun mood and at first glance I noticed the bright blue and hot pink dinosaur terrariums!  Awesome!!!  In the end I went back and purchased one. It was only $10 which seemed reasonable.

The cool thing about this terrarium is that it is made with an Air Plant. When I was told this by the owner of this shop, Jennie Papkin, my immediate reply was "What is that?"  For those of you like me that don't know an Air plant takes all their water an nutrients through the leaf system, instead of the root system.  They don not need or want soil to survive and like indirect light making them great for the home or office.  So, basically it's a little plant in my dinosaur with no roots or soil so all I have to do is pop it out and submerge it in a cup of water for about two hours once a week or just mist it with water 3x's a week. Now this is my kind of plant!  It's so cool I haven't decided if I will bring it into my office or leave it at my house. Perhaps I need another one!

If you are interested in purchasing a terrarium check out Terrariums & Co. by Jennie. She can be reached at or 585-310-9360.

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