Here's some of my adventures from this past week.
1. I co-hosted a Paint Your Heart Out party for students. This was a successful event from last semester that we brought back. The twist was that we made it a ROCO 6x6 party. We used 6x6 canvases and students were given the opportunity to donate their pieces to ROCO. We had over 120 students partcipate. This week we will hang an art exhibition at the college for a month and then take down and donate the pieces at the end of March. This event was videotaped and spotlighted on the Wellness Wednesday Series that the college has started.
You can check ROCO's 6x6 at;
And the Wellness Wednesday video at:
2. A GA for Res Life at the college is working to put together a how-to series and was looking for faculty or staff to teach students in an informal setting based on the topic of that month. The first workshop in the series was How-To Knit. I volunteered and took part in teaching some students how to do a basic knit this past week. Other staff taught arm knitting and a basic knit. One of my goals would be to learn how to art knit! This was a fun event that taught over 15 students a new skill. Most were excited to create a scarf as some were headed to NYC for a weekend trip. (Of course I think we all forgot to take pics!)
3. Wednesday night found me not wanting to do anything I needed to get done so instead I spent the night finishing my sketchbook for The Sketchbook Project. I officially completed all pages and mailed it out Friday! Hopefully in 4-6 weeks you will be able find it on the online digital library and if you ever are in Brooklyn, NY you can find it in the actual Sketchbook Library.
You can check out the digital library at;
4. I completed a couple of 6x6 pieces myself this week. I'm hoping to find time to host a 6x6 party with some of my friends before the April 20th deadline. That would be a fun time!
5. For one of my classes I had to take the Humanmetrics Jung Typology Test which is the Myers Briggs Personality test. I'm pretty sure I took this in undergrad for a class but of course that was so long ago I don't remember it. Plus the results can change over time. A staff member from Career Services came and provided us each with a personalized packet containing our "type" and what it all means.
I'm proud to say I am INFJ= Introvert, iNtuitive, Feeling, and Judging. Before having known what each meant I agreed with it all except for the judging part. However, after it was described to us, my results were pretty spot on especially as judging means you like organization, schedule, details, finish things early to avoid stress, and are a short and long term planner. Not surprising was that one of the top career suggestions for me was a counselor! If I could I'd share this one page description that shares what it means to be an INFJ but not sure how to do that. Basically it calls me "The Protector" and everything it says describes me pretty accurately. According to the test only 1% of the population has an INFJ Personality Type, making it the most rare of all types. This test is helpful to become aware of how you process information and how your personality may positively or negatively affect communication with others.
If you want to take the short free version like I did go to; It's pretty interesting. If you have a significant other you should both complete it and talk about the results.
6. My friend Christie emailed all of us ladies and wanted to host a craft night to make soothing snakes for her two groups of clients she works with who are around age 5. If you aren't aware weighted or soothing snakes are a sensory accessory that helps to comfort and calm those with autism or other sensory disorders. About six of us got together for pizza, drinks, peanut butter chocolate brownies and lots of material to make some weighted snakes.
Anyone can make these no matter what your level of craftiness is. They are pretty easy. You can use cool long socks or fleece material sewn up on three sides, fill it with rice, and sew closed. Add accessories such as buttons for eyes, scales to make a dinosaur, wings, ears, teeth or tongue. You can use fleece scraps or satin for the accessories. We didn't but you could add iron on patches or other accessories if you desire. Beware rice can be messy (especially if you were me and my sock full of rice slipped while I was threading my needle- sorry Christie!). We were a creative bunch and were able to get all of them made. Hopefully my friend's clients will enjoy them and be soothed!
I had a hard time finding a tutorial but here is something close to the weighted snake;
**Bonus: I was parking at work Friday morning and as I pulled into the parking lot this was parked in the lot and still there when I left for the day.
The Scooby Doo Mobile!!!
**Stay tuned as the coming few weeks promise to bring many new and wacky fun adventures!