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Saturday, March 22, 2014

Art (Therapy) + Happiness Project 2014

Over winter break while surfing the net trying to find community based art projects to take part in, I came across the Art (Therapy) + Happiness Project. Below is the basic description of the project from Cathi Malchiodi's homepage;

THE ART [THERAPY] + HAPPINESS PROJECT is a unique learning opportunity inspired by concepts, activities and techniques we have embraced in our own work as art therapists and in our journeys as artists. We believe that art making is an essential practice that can support our positivity and sense of well-being, expand our awareness, open ourselves to kindness and self-compassion, and deepen our connection to ourselves and others. No previous art experience is required; this online art making and positivity community is open to all creative spirits, first-timers included! - See more at:

I waited until January 2014 when the new project came out and decided to sign up to take part it in. The cost was very reasonable ($49) for a year online program.  At the end of February right when life really got crazy, I received the email that the project began.  So...I did nothing. I was to overwhelmed with work, school, a social life and preparing for my vacation.

It wasn't until I was sitting in the airport in Rochester waiting for my first flight to leave and taking advantage of the free wifi, that I saw in my inbox an email from the Art (Therapy) + Happiness Project.  I then logged in to the project for the first time and created my profile. I looked over all four project sections and joined the "community swap" section.  I signed up to create 12 zendoodles or zentangles as I know them by mid-April. I would then mail the zendoodles one each to 12 different people who joined the swap and I got assigned to trade with.  This is an international project so you never know who and where your zendoodle will come from.

I had a moment of "I don't have time for this. Why are you adding something else to your already overflowing plate." And then experienced an ah ha moment.  I decided at my next layover in Newark I would purchase an ink pen/marker and some thicker card stock white paper and begin to create my zendoodles on the plane (in between my goal of reading 2 of my book club books for March).  I found the pen easily enough at the airport but man oh man it took forever to find a piece of blank white paper. I eventually found it for free in a store behind the counter and a nice employee donated it to my cause.  Next I had to guest-a-mate what a 4x4 square was and then fold and fold and fold and rip and rip and rip the piece of paper until I had made 6 4x4 squares.  On my long flight I started experimenting and making my zendoodles for the first time. I found that it really did help me focus and meditate. The time went by faster and I felt less harassed by the chaos in my life.  Just what I needed before getting to my vacation destination.

FYI- I completed all 12 zendoodles before my return flight landed back in Rochester 10 days later. In addition, I finished both of my book club books and started another leisure book.

Here are my finished zendoodles. Well...I may add some color to them though zentangles original tended to be black and white.

**If I add color to any of them I will repost to show you the revised versions.

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