I found this idea on pinterest.com. Here is the exact pin that Lindsay Schmitz posted with how- to instructions; http://pinterest.com/pin/41095415319262957/. This was so easy and fun that it can be addictive. I wanted to keep creating and creating. You could create so many different styles simply by using tiles that are different colors and sizes and scrapbook paper that has different patterns. For this I used the original tiles suggested from HD and yes, they were only .16 cents each! I had just purchased a brand new package of awesome color/pattern scrap booking paper at Craft Bits and Pieces (http://www.craftbitsandpieces.com/) for 2.50 and now I got to try some of it out. Then when I was at ReHouse Architectural Salvage (http://www.rehouseny.com/) store getting some old glass jars for another project (posted prior to this one) I found these great smaller tiles in the FREE section. Hooray for me! I wanted to take a ton of them but only took a couple of stacks. Below you will see the difference in tile size and the smaller tiles had a different overall shape and background color.
You could also carry this concept further and get even smaller tiles, use the same method and then put quotes or other images on top of the scrapbook paper and create magnets. Hmmm...I see another experiment coming on...